Reviewing and Distributing Grades


gradelib provides several functions for reviewing and distributing grades.

First is gradelib.overview(), which is only available when working in a Jupyter notebook. It provides a summary of the grades for each student, including an interactive visualization of the grade distribution that shows the cutoffs for each letter grade. If called with a student’s name as the second argument, gradelib.overview() will also display a breakdown of the that student’s grades by assignment.


The gradelib.statistics module contains functions for computing various summaries of the grade distribution, such as gradelib.statistics.average_gpa() and gradelib.statistics.rank() (which computes the rank of each student in the class).

LaTeX Grade Reports

You can generate LaTeX grade reports for each student using the gradelib.reports.generate_latex() function. The report contains an explanation of the student’s grade, along with grading notes that clarify any exceptions, penalties, etc. These notes are automatically added by the policies in gradelib.policies.