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A document class for lecture slides.

Basic Use

Use this class by writing \documentclass{dscslides} at the top of your document.

The class provides a \parttitle command for generating title slides at the beginning of each of the presentation's parts. To use this command, two things must be configured: the course title, and the lecture number, done with \coursetitle{} and \lecturenumber, respectively.

Beamer's "handout" mode is useful for generating a version of a presentation that is suitable for printing (namely, animations are "squashed" into one slide). To facilitate a way of specifying whether or not handout mode should be used at the command-line, this class checks to see if a \handout macro has been defined; this can be done with most latex compilers using the CLI option -usepretex=\def\handout{1}. If this macro is defined, handout mode is used and frame numbers are displayed; if it is not defined, handout mode is not used.

The class defines a new conditional, \ifhandout, which is true if and only if we are in handout mode.




% set what is displayed for the course title on part title slides
    \Huge DSC 40B%

% set the lecture number

% displays the course title, lecture number, part number, and part title


        \item This is an example of slides created with \textit{dscslides.sty}

        This is a \term{exercise}, and practice makes \good{perfect}.




Sets the content that should be displayed for the course's title on title slides.

Example: \coursetitle{\Large DSC 40B}


Sets the lecture number. This will be shown in title slides.


Generate a title slide for a part of the lecture. Numbering is done automatically with the lecturepartnum counter.

Example: \parttitle{Introduction}


Format a frame's title (centered and bolded).

Example: \centertitle{Welcome to DSC 40B}


Display n blank lines for writing.

Example: \writinglines{3}


Format a word that is being defined.

Example: An \term{undirected graph} is...


Format something that is good.

Example: This algorithm is \good{fast}...


Format something that is bad.

Example: This algorithm is \bad{slow}...


Format text that should be emphasized

Example: This algorithm is \highlight{very} slow


The following environments are defined. They appear as a color box with the environment contents within.

  • exercise
  • funfact
  • mainidea
  • warning
  • defn
  • thm


    What is 3 + 5?


The following colors are defined. They can be used by writing, e.g., \color{pastelblue}{text to color}.

  • pastelred
  • pastelblue
  • pastelpurple
  • pastelyellow
  • pastelgreen
  • darkblue
  • darkgreen
  • faded